Saturday, March 29, 2008

Hello from Kuwait

Hey there. Rex sent this picture and i tought i would share it with everyone else. These are 2 of his good friends... next to him is Josh & next to Josh is Clint. They are great guys... who said they will take care of Rex!!!!
Update for Me- I am busy working... I work 3 12hour shifts at the New hospital here in Salt Lake... Intermountain Medical Center... in the Shock/Trauma ICU. It is a very challenging job and I am learning tons everyday!
Keep you posted.... Kira

Thursday, March 27, 2008


Family & Friends-

I thought I would get this blog jump started. As many of you know Rex has set of for another deployment for Iraq. Last week he arrived safely in Kuwait, he will be training there for a period, then move into his final destination in Iraq. He said that things are much different from the beginning of the war... there's a Taco Bell in Kuwait now- So I am sure he will be happy!

As for information- I will not be very specific on where he is, what he's working on without his clearance. With information so free flowing these days it takes an extra effort to be dilligent in keeping our troops safe! ! ! I will do my best. Hope everyone is good & don't forget the many other men & women that are supporting our nations freedoms... Pray for them often!!

Included is the "Bone Crushers"... the team Rex is assigned to!!! Enjoy!!!