Monday, June 29, 2009

aches & pains

I wanted to put in a few pictures of the last few weeks. I don't take many pictures. But Lloyd was being super cute. He has calmed down a bit finally, but has a bit of a digging problem. I just don't know how to stop him, I think Rex has given up on this problem too! But they still find time to you can see

My Doctor sent me for a medical ultrasound to get some measurements of the baby & check out his anatomy. We had to drive 2 hours to St. Louis to get it done. They gave us some fancy pictures. I thought I would share. The first are of his feet.. looks like all 10 toes are accounted for!

The next is a pretty cool portrait of his face. Still no name! We just can't seem to find a name that fits. When we like a name, we use it a bit & see how we like it. But nothing seems to fit so far. Maybe something will jump out at us and we will just know that it is the right name for this handsome boy!

Overall I am still having the same pain, I have been suffering now for about 2 months. It is frustrating because it is every day. I have to lay down, take pain medicine & use a heating pad to alleviate the pain. Getting through the days at work are tough, there is no laying down when you are a nurse. I am adjusting to the ER out here (where I work), and am getting the hang of it.
Overall time is passing since being out here, I can't believe it is July. I am glad, I am not very fond of Missouri, well maybe just this part of Missouri, no shopping & dining out... how is a girl to spend her time???

Wednesday, June 3, 2009


Another update:

Today, after much heartache & beaurocracy of health care... we finally made it to our new OB/GYN. What a relief, fewww!

The Dr. got called away to check on a pt in the co-joined hospital, so the nurse came in & played with the Ultrasound machine, and tried to master her skills on 3-d images. Our little boy was SHY! He was blocking the view of his face.. and giving everyone a little wave!

I already mentioned how I am feeling a post or so ago. I am still having the back pains...grr. The tests I had taken were a little inconclusive. So now I am going to see a nephrologist (kidney Dr) to continue to monitor me & see what's going on. So maybe we will have a reason for all the suffering soon.
I honestly must say, it still doesn't feel very real being pregnant. I know my body is going through tons of changes, but it hasn't sunk in that I am going to have a little dude hanging around in just 20weeks. AGGHH!! And I think it's because I have been a bit down recently. I haven't been too happy being out here in Missouri. I miss my family & girlfriends... I even miss my job! I love being around Rex, but I wish I had the best of both worlds... husband & my family (friends & great Job!). Hopefully the time here will pass by quick, it has been so far.
Anyways, I will include another photo- since they are so cute
Our little guy... we have a few names that we like, but are still not set on any particular one.

The 3-d ones have lots of shadowing if you don't get a good view from above, so overall it's a good picture, but it has some shadows on it.