So many of you know, I went to Fort Campbell last week to visit a friend. I had fun & it was good to go back! My friend had heard of this new thing the army is doing, it's called "post-tour". It is a new program the army put together to try & show families & the public what it is the soldiers do & how they train for it. So our day started with a briefing... a what/how/when about the history of Fort campbell. Then we went off & were able to do the helicopter flight simulator. That was fun... i crashed! (Kim is on the left-flying! The red with cracks in the backround means I just crashed!)

kim & some friends from FRG (Family Readiness Group)
After that we had some lunch, then headed off to the mock- urban training center. The place i hear is a pretty good representation of what Iraq is like... if that is true- I really feel for our guys who have to live there, for months & a year!!! After that we got to go to the Engagement skills training Facility. Here we got to use M-16 simulator guns. We got to target practice first- shooting Turkeys (on an interactive screen). After that we got to run through some different training skills. It was really hard to be able to shoot well & then re-load in a timely manner and regain your shooting skills! It really mad me appreciate how awesome our military men & women are. They have to be so trained & prepared. I really just want everyone to know how awesome our men & women are & let Rex as well as all the other soldiers out there know how proud of them I am!! GOOD JOB & STAY SAFE!!!

This is me & kim... guns... we have no idea what we are doing!!!