Monday, April 27, 2009

The official announcement!!

It's official, the news is out: I am PREGNANT!

I am currently 15 weeks & am DUE on October 16th!

The ultrasound is from week 8... so it's not so new.. but it's cute!

I just wanted to make it official! We just moved.. and I am switching Dr's so as soon as I get in & get an Ultrasound... I will let everyone know what we are expecting to have...

any guesses.. Boy or Girl???

a few updates

Ok- So i haven't posted in a long time. I blaim the move! For some reason it takes up so much time & energy.
so i have posted a few pictures from Hawaii- since I just stumbled upon them myself.
The first is of us at a the Polynesian Cultural Center..

This one is of me, walking around near the hotel we stayed at!
We had a bunch of fun relaxing & enjoying the time together!