Friday, December 18, 2009

Photos for fun!

Family, Friends & Blog Followers-
I wish I had house pictures to show, but it's just not to that point yet. Rex had to return to work on monday and I have made a huge mess with my Christmas gift projects (homemade goods!). One day soon we will get back to getting the house finished. But with Christmas less than a week away, the shopping has taken over & gift preparation takes priority!
Some things I know for sure....
1.) Moving is exhausting!
2.) Christmas shopping is exhausting!
So, here are some pictures of my freakin' cute kid.
I know how good looking he is, but everyone else is missing out, so I thought I would share some photos with everyone!
This look is gonna be a hit with the ladies!

Nap time!
His new favorite way to sleep... on his belly.
(Don't worry he has really good head control now- so he can lift it & move it from side to side).

"MORE SHOPPING... I am so ExCiteD!!!"

with Love,

Kira Michelle