So I thought I would share some photos of the pain in my side, literally, when it comes to running and life. So over 5 years ago I fell and landed on my right hip. It was never the same since. After years of on and off again physical therapy, interventional radiology injections and constant pain I was again back at physical therapy, this was the lucky time. The physical therapist examination was highly suspicious for FAI and or labral tear that usually caused by FAI. So I had an MRI last winter, which indeed showed a labral tear. Many appointments later I found myself in the Orthopeadic surgeons office consulting on surgery. So we preceded for a hip arthroscopy on May 14. At that procedure they found my femur to be worse than anticipated, so they had to shave that down so it was concave- since it was not nice and round fitting in the socket. They fixed me up and below are all the cool photos they took. The photo are labeled, below is explanations for photos
CAM: the Labral tear sure it doesn't seem like much- but it can be compared to a hang nail- in that if u don't trim it-t won't heal
LABRAL REPAIR: The repair itself.
CAM (with the little snake camera): The femur head before- rough and not cool!
CAM RESECTION: The repair of the femur, look how pretty!
PSOAS STIPPLING:where they cut my psoas tendon because it was so tight it was causing my hip to "catch", they said the redness meant it was inflammed.
Hope you have enjoyed the read!
Femur BEFORE |