I can't believe it has been a month since I blogged last. So what has happened. For starters, I got a job!! I started today in fact. I am working at St. Peter's hospital in Olympia, WA (which is only a few miles from home). I will be working in their Critical care unit & working nights. I am excited to get back to work!!

What else... I learned that I have a boy that LOVES his food... no big suprise there, if you know his father (he loves food too!)
We also got our growing boy a little play gym, so he can start learning how to move & entertain himself. He is having some fun!
And also, Grandma & Grandpa Goodrich came to visit. Asher got to get all dressed up & go on a brunch cruise to celebrate their visit. Super cute !!!
And Mr. Spoiled also got a snazzy new hat, to keep the sun out of his eyes.
Anyways, I better get going! Hope you all enjoy the pictures & little update!