Sunday, September 21, 2008

Thoughts… frustrations… humm

Today I worked… oh yes by the way people work on holidays & weekends in the hospital… NEWS FLASH to all… sick people are NOT just sick Monday thru Friday 9-5…. It’s kind of a constant around the clock kind of thing. BUT why is it people are so ignorant to the fact that working weekends, holidays, days that end in y’s is such a hard concept to gather??? Most people have common sense, oh wait… that hasn’t been proven yet… I take it back. So I have realized my frustrations with people.
This will be my rant of the day….
Nurses have a freaking hard-ass job. We deal with the defective, sick, weak, pitifull and dying. Most of the situations I deal with on a daily basis, as well as my co-workers (who rock!) deal with people in a major crisis. Let me help put this in the best… CRISIS as defined on reads:
1. a condition of instability or danger, as in social, economic, political, or international affairs, leading to a decisive change.
2. a dramatic emotional or circumstantial upheaval in a person's life.
3. Medicine/Medical.
a. the point in the course of a serious disease at which a decisive change occurs, leading either to recovery or to death.
b. the change itself.

Anyways- My point is that my job is hard (and rewarding)… But it is IMPORTANT. To me and to the people that I get to help that are in a crisis. …. SO stop acting like I am bothering/interrupting everyone elses ‘busy’ 9-5… or mommy-only schedule because I work 40+hours a week (nights/days/weekends and holidays) MY question is… “Is it my job to fit into your schedule… or your’s to attempt to facilitate mine???“ AND really- if you wanted me to be involved/at things… shouldn’t you ATTEMPT to check my schedule PRIOR to planning????????????????
In life I believe that actions speak louder than words, and if you do something that speaks for itself… then it takes a significant amount of words(&time) to take back your actions that were louder & clearer than your words.
What a bunch of words to digest. Perhaps you have all caught me on a bad moment. Perhaps you caught me on an HONEST moment.
THOUGHTS… by kira


MARE-N-ATE said...

I LOVE this post!!! I agree 150%!

MARE-N-ATE said...

you can link me at if you wanna.

GRandma Cobb said...

I just can't imagine how hard nursing is. I guess it is not like it is on tv. I feel bad I have been neglecting you, let me know if there is anything I can do. We think about you and Richie (Rex) all the time and we always remember to pray that Richie will come home safely, I guess we should be praying for you too. I can't even image how hard it is for you to be working full time and not have your husband there for support you. We (grandma & and I) are so very proud of you, we love you very much.
Love you tons!! Auntie Brenda