I wanted to put in a few pictures of the last few weeks. I don't take many pictures. But Lloyd was being super cute. He has calmed down a bit finally, but has a bit of a digging problem. I just don't know how to stop him, I think Rex has given up on this problem too! But they still find time to cuddle....as you can see

My Doctor sent me for a medical ultrasound to get some measurements of the baby & check out his anatomy. We had to drive 2 hours to St. Louis to get it done. They gave us some fancy pictures. I thought I would share. The first are of his feet.. looks like all 10 toes are accounted for!

Overall I am still having the same pain, I have been suffering now for about 2 months. It is frustrating because it is every day. I have to lay down, take pain medicine & use a heating pad to alleviate the pain. Getting through the days at work are tough, there is no laying down when you are a nurse. I am adjusting to the ER out here (where I work), and am getting the hang of it.
Overall time is passing since being out here, I can't believe it is July. I am glad, I am not very fond of Missouri, well maybe just this part of Missouri, no shopping & dining out... how is a girl to spend her time???
oh these ultrasound pics are too cute! Boy names can be tricky to pick but good luck and I hope you start feeling better soon!
Oh my heck, that is the cutest little baby belly boy I have ever seen! Those pictures are SO clear! I am so excited for you. That stinks you are still in pain all the time. At least when he is giving you trouble you can say, do you have any idea what kind of trouble I went through to get you into this world??? I hope all goes well. Don't forget to relax and take care of yourself!
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