Saturday, February 27, 2010

Posting Craziness!!

I thought I would post some pictures of Asher's recent adventure... eating Rice Cereal. The first is first time we tried it... as you can see, it went well.

But I think he is getting the hang of it. After our recent visit to the Doctor for his 4 month check-up, we realized his spitting up (reflux) is getting in the way of him growing :(. He is now 4 months, 26 inches long & 13 lbs 1 oz, which puts him about 90th % for height, but only 15th % for his weight. So we are now doing rice cereal more reguarly & have added Zantac. The Zantac seems to have started helping already. So we are excited to start our fun adventures of eating!

I guess it took me too long to get the next spoonful ready, he started to eat the table!

"this table taste good"

"why are you taking a picture of me eating??"

And Finally... a video. He just figured out today how to use the spoon.

I think he is picking it up pretty well, hopefully he will remember tomorrow, when we try again!


I thought I would share some photo's of our new home... WASHINGTON. When Megan & Candice drove up in early January, we went to the space needle. It was pretty fun & we got to take some pretty cool pics and watch the sun set.
The other day during a break from the rain, I drove down to the Puget Sound, which is just a few minutes from the house and snapped some pictures. It is so awesome when it stops raining because you really appreciate the sunny days that much more. Anyways, this is what we have to look at every day... (well when the rain clouds clear that is!)

Thursday, February 25, 2010

From House to HomE!

I thought I would finally take some pictures of the house.. This is just the main living area. I finally remembered to take pictures of it, while it is clean. So enjoy. Now I will just have to do the rest of the house!! HA HA

Sunday, February 14, 2010

My plumbing fun

So today I learned that I have mad skills- mad plumbing skills that is.
I decided to tackle the powder room downstairs as one of my first projects.
I plan on doing things one step at a time.
So my first step was to change out the sink faucet.
As you can see we had such a fancy one to start with, how could I ever improve upon that.

Well I found a way... TADAH!!!It's hard to tell in the photo, it's a rubbed bronze. It is much nicer than the last one. Everyone complained that the original faucet was too close to the sink, so you couldn't fit your hands under it. So as for now, this is how the bathroom looks.

I plan on changing out the towel rack (you can't see it in this photo). Changing the mirror and painting the walls some fabulous color.
But for now I am proud of my new plumbing skills....
(which I had no help from Rex)

So- Happy Valentines days to everyone!! & Happy Anniversary mom & dad!