But I think he is getting the hang of it. After our recent visit to the Doctor for his 4 month check-up, we realized his spitting up (reflux) is getting in the way of him growing :(. He is now 4 months, 26 inches long & 13 lbs 1 oz, which puts him about 90th % for height, but only 15th % for his weight. So we are now doing rice cereal more reguarly & have added Zantac. The Zantac seems to have started helping already. So we are excited to start our fun adventures of eating!
I guess it took me too long to get the next spoonful ready, he started to eat the table!
"this table taste good"
"why are you taking a picture of me eating??"
And Finally... a video. He just figured out today how to use the spoon.
I think he is picking it up pretty well, hopefully he will remember tomorrow, when we try again!