Friday, October 17, 2008 butt-ous!

Ok- some may know, some not! I have been having pains in my leg/butt for over a year now, and have tried various forms of treatment. This week I was able to go to a Orthopedic specialist... who has finally helped me to some relief. I have been diagnosed with Sacroiliac (SI) Joint Dysfunction & moderate Sciatica.. I have included pictures to illistrate!

SI= SacroIliac Joint.. Where your spine & hip meets! The sacroiliac (SI) joint sits between the sacrum and the iliac bone (thus the name “sacroiliac” joint). Symptoms of injury to this area include: (most common symptoms) are low back and buttock pain. The pain may affect one side or both SI joints. The pain can radiate down the leg all the way to the foot and may be confused with a herniated disc in the lumbar spine. The pain may radiate into the groin area. People often feel muscle spasm in one or both of their buttocks muscles. Problems with the SI joint may make sitting difficult. Pain in one SI joint may cause aperson to sit with that buttock tilted up. It is usually uncomfortable to sit flat in a chair. All of these I have had a problem with over the past few years. YIKES!
After physical therapy, taking it easy & anti-inflammatories a new treatment has been pursued. This week after my speaking with my DR. injections where the treatment of choice.
Injections are used primarily to confirm that the pain is coming from the SI joint. And a series of cortisone injections may be recommended to try to reduce the inflammation in and around the SI joint. Cortisone is a powerful anti-inflammatory medication that is commonly used to control pain from arthritis and inflammation.

Anyways to make a long story short, originally the area got worse... usuall, but it might actually be starting to feel better!!! Let's hope we have finally found a reason & the healing process can begin... so i can kick EVERYONE's butt up the Grand Canyon next year!!!!!


Cristi said...

I love the needle in the butt picture! Very nice. Sounds like a pain in the butt!

Anonymous said...

Wait, so is there a cure? Will it ever be all better? That is no fun! But at least you know what's causing it now - the diagnosis is half the cure right? Love ya!

GRandma Cobb said...

Kira, Wow this is info I totally needed, Tyler has been suffering with same pain for over a year and then after his accident in April it has even been worse. In his accident his sacrum bone was broken and he now has 3 pins in it. But the pain is so bad now. I would love to get your educated and personal info regarding this, can I can you sometime maybe we could go to lunch or something. Will you call me when you get a chance 577-5594. By the way LOVE your blog, thank you for keeping it up. Love you tons. Auntie Brenda