Oh yeah, I am sexy!!!! Look at that six pack! Ouch! Don't you wish you could pull this look off?
So this is the official 20 week photo. Today is officially week 20. Things have been going well. Getting situated into the (military-healthcare) system has been very challenging. One thing after another has gone wrong/bad. We finally got things sorted out... atleast we hope. I have been approved to see an off-post provider for the pregnancy, although I don't know what that means for the delivery or acute issues between now & then.
I have been having lots of back pain, and no one has yet to tell me what the cause is. It's on one side of my back (right side) right under my ribs, and is tender. It reminds me of kidney problems that I have had before. The Dr I saw ran some tests, and everything looks ok so far, I will see him this week and get more information then. Other than that can I just say LEG CRAMPS...ouch! I keep waking up in the middle of the night with horrible cramps... they are in the wierdest places too. I got one in my knee a few nights ago... oouch! Last night was the worst one so far, my calf was hard as a rock!
Anybody have suggestions on how to make them go away... or never come at all???
Well that's all I have for now.... later!
No fun! I am sorry to say the leg cramps are TERRIBLE! I have had them make me cry before. I couldnt figure out anything to make them go away. I hope your pain goes away soon. Oh and BTW you look awesome for 20 weeks!
You look FABULOUS Kira. You are one hot mama!
I wish I could give you some pointers on the leg cramps, but I've never dealt with them. I would say research it online, but I'm sure you've done that already!
I hope you are doing well. You seriously look so AWESOME!
You look so cute! How fun to see your growing tummy!
I've heard the leg cramps are lack of calcium, lack of potassium, or dehydration...all from different sources of course. But my personal opinion is that your body goes psychotic when it's trying to figure out how to grow another HUMAN BEING! So good luck with those. :)
We are very excited for you!
Kir...I used to get those cramps in my legs, too, with both of my pregnancies. I figured out that if I flexed my foot, they would go away immediately! I got so good at it that I could do it in my sleep:) Give it a try. Also...not to be dramatic, but one of my friends had terrible back pain throughout her whole pregnancy and she finally figured out that she had kidney stones. The doctors never thought to look for it so maybe it's not really something they think of. Good luck with the rest of your pregnancy...you're halfway there! Any names picked out?
thanks for the leg advice. Haley your are spot on with flexing. And it has worked- when the cramp is in my calf. The problem is the cramps in my knee &side of my leg..ouchy! I am going to try & ramp up the calcium... i don't eat hardly any milk products.
As for the back pain- i have been wondering if it's a stone. I had an ultrasound done of the kidneys- since I have a history of kidney stuff so we will see what the report comes back as in a few days.
Dang! You are one sexy pregnant woman! As far as cramps...how in the world does a nurse survive with back pain and cramps! My heart goes out to you. I would recommend morphine..lots of it! hehe jk. I glad things are finally settling down a little
I am way slow on reading the blog, but you look great my dear,yeah for baby bumps. Leg cramps, drink 1 cup of diet tonic water with Quinin (SP)before bed.
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