Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Wait... WHAT????

Holy cow I can't believe this day has come... we are now officially HOME OWNERS...ok well in 30years we will be!
I can't believe we now have a place that is officially ours! I am so excited to get there & start doing home things & decorations just as I have always wanted to.
And that round orange thing you are wondering.. what could that be- Well that my friends is the most delicious desert I have ever made. It is a PUMPKIN ROLL. Many people have heard of this, I first tasted this about 2 years ago and just recently found a recipe. So me & my mom whipped it up and wa-la it was perfect. Perfect shape, perfect flavor!!!
Rex, myself & my mom have decided it is the new official desert of Thanksgiving... and Christmas... and Vetrans day and Presidents day... ok I think I have made my point of just how delicious it is!!! YUMMMY!


Trisha said...

I LOVE YOUR HOUSE!!! I especially like your kitchen! I bet you guys are so excited to get out there! Hooray!
I was just going to text you to say CONGRATS on being homeowners, but I realized it's a little late there so:
CONGRATULATIONS!!! I'm excited for you guys!

Julie said...

man! what an exciting month for you. Congrats, congrats, congrats!

GRandma Cobb said...

Love the house, can't wait to see it (SOMEDAY), hate to be forward but sure would love to come to Asher's blessing if you can let me know, we wouldn't stay with you at your new address would probably just stay for the blessing then head home I just want to see you guys with your new little baby boy and would love to see your new house. Kira you are going to have soooo much fun decorating, I can't wait to see what you do with it, when you get there it won't be a house it will be home. Love you guys!!!!