Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Wait... WHAT????

Holy cow I can't believe this day has come... we are now officially HOME OWNERS...ok well in 30years we will be!
I can't believe we now have a place that is officially ours! I am so excited to get there & start doing home things & decorations just as I have always wanted to.
And that round orange thing you are wondering.. what could that be- Well that my friends is the most delicious desert I have ever made. It is a PUMPKIN ROLL. Many people have heard of this, I first tasted this about 2 years ago and just recently found a recipe. So me & my mom whipped it up and wa-la it was perfect. Perfect shape, perfect flavor!!!
Rex, myself & my mom have decided it is the new official desert of Thanksgiving... and Christmas... and Vetrans day and Presidents day... ok I think I have made my point of just how delicious it is!!! YUMMMY!

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

The day has finally arrived!

It is our pleasure to announce the arrival of Asher Jackson Broderick. Born October 20th at 3:11p.m. . He is a healthy 9lbs 1 oz and 21 3/4 inches long.
Asher admiring dad... or the other way around!

Mommy & baby boy!

Trying to get the sucking routine down. He is getting the hang of it. He has been a bit sleepy, but perked up this afternoon... so we snapped some good photos!
I will have plenty more to share, but for now, I am focusing on figuring out this mom buisness.
Thanks for all the love & support!
Rex, Kira & Asher

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

staying busy

Funny days.. or lack there of...
I thought I would post something, well because I haven't in so long. I haven't posted because I feel as if nothing is happening. I have been so pre-occupied with waiting around for our little guy to join us. About 3 weeks ago, I wanted this baby out ASAP and spent most days looking online to find ways to induce labor or waiting patiently between contractions, hoping they were only 5 minutes apart... NO LUCK! Then I awoke one day and a new fear had taken over... what was i getting myself into?? and a new realization that my life was about to change. But am I ready for this... no one really knows
So Rex & I went to an all day Birthing Class a few weeks ago.. And it was good to hear what the hospitals standards & rules were. I guess I had a pretty good idea about the birthing process, seeing as how I did get my degree in nursing... But it was good for Rex to hear everything too.
MY FAVORITE part was when Rex tried on the sympathy pregnancy belt!

My favorite line was after I asked him how it felt, He said "I just kept thinking, it can't be this uncomforable, can it?"
UH... YES Rex it can & IT IS!!!!!
I love that he tried & maybe gained some appreciation. He was a great partner that day and look forward to the big day, where he will be the best partner I could ever have... i hope!
So I have decided to keep myself busy, on the days I feel up to it. I have been sewing, cooking & cleaning like never before. I put together 15 doggie diapers (for boy dogs with a little spraying problem), and they are so cute!! I forgot to take a picture before I shipped them off... oops! (I sent them to my mom's carpet store, where she has had a few request for them). And I made a baby quilt... for Baby Girl Wick... but again, forgot to take a picture (so Tiffany, when you get it, send me a pic!) But I did take a picture of my baking trial. I found this cute recipe book, at the checkout stand for 'fall recipes'. I was intrigued and decided to try one.
This was the picture in the recipe book.
This is how it ended up looking.
I was pretty stocked, I have never baked an angel food cake and I just bought an angel food cake pan... so I was stoked that it all turned out ok. And Rex said it was the best cake he has had in a long time... I suppose it was a compliment... even though he nor I could remember the last time I had made a cake.
Anyways, some more baking, cooking, cleaning, & sewing are in my future.. atleast for now!
I will let everyone know when the baby comes... hopefully soon!